
Pitzer学院毕业典礼- 2015年5月16日

  • 1. Delve into advanced course work and take elective courses that interest you.

    Assuming you have completed all your general education requirements, you should be delving into advanced coursework and making room for elective courses that you always wanted to take. You should continue your preparations for the transition into life beyond Pitzer, 不管怎样. You should enjoy your final two semesters, and finish strong.

  • 2. Think about writing a thesis and speak with your adviser in advance.

    A thesis allows you to demonstrate independence, proficiency, and maturity in the field. 论文可以自我奖励, help develop discipline specific 研究 and communication skills, 打开其他机会, 强化简历. Conducting independent 研究 is a great way to showcase your skills to potential employers or graduate schools. In some fields, a thesis is required for honors. 一篇论文需要规划和发展

  • 3. Regularly check the academic calendar for deadlines

    你应该知道所有的 主要大学截止日期 到现在为止. In September (February), remember the deadline to add classes and finalize your schedules. In October (March), follow up on any low grade notices and observe the deadline to drop classes. In November (April) you need to pre-register for the next semester. 在十二月(五月), be aware of the last day to withdraw from classes and your final exam schedule. Frequently monitor your Pitzer email and promptly respond to any official communications, 特别是值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台毕业的问题.

  • 4. 一定是2.0 GPA or higher, and at least 32 credits in order to graduate.

    一定是2.0 GPA or higher, and at least 32 credits in order to graduate. 所有的转移, 出国留学, or advanced placement credits MUST appear on your transcript to count towards graduation. If they do not appear on your transcript, you must follow up with the 注册商’s Office. You cannot have any incompletes or missing grades in your final semester. Make sure your major adviser has approved any exception or substitution to meet any requirements.

  • 5. Learn the value of your liberal arts curriculum.

    In the course of every learning challenge, learn the value of your liberal arts curriculum. 自律思维, 精制的判断, 创造性的合成, and collaborative dynamic that are hallmarks of your Pitzer education are not only crucial to developing your leadership abilities, but are habits of mind that will serve you well throughout your lives, 成为你成功的主要贡献者.

  • 7. Meet with 职业服务 and develop your job search early.

    你应该找个辅导员 职业服务 to develop your job search plans in early September.  You should be attending job search and interviewing workshops, 更新你的简历和求职信, 调查潜在雇主, identifying individuals who can write letters of recommendation for graduate school or jobs, requesting alumni names to learn about career paths other Pitzer graduates have pursued, networking with alumni and other professionals, conducting mock interviews with a career counselor, and attending employer information sessions offered at all the Claremont Colleges. See Teresa Flores, Assistant Director, for details.

  • 8. Apply for 奖学金 针对即将毕业的大四学生.

    你应该申请 奖学金 针对即将毕业的大四学生. They might think about the Congress-Budestag Youth Exchange, 重要语言奖学金计划, 富布赖特委员会:暑期学院, NSF研究生研究奖学金, 行动中的人性, 富布赖特U.S学生计划, 罗兹奖学金, 托马斯·沃森奖学金, 盖茨剑桥, 丘吉尔奖学金, 马歇尔奖学金, 及/或扶轮和平奖学金. There is a fellowship out there for everyone. 参见《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台》中的桑迪·汉密尔顿.

  • 9. 想想读研究生吧.

    You should think about going to graduate school, even if you don’t go directly from Pitzer. Talk with your major adviser about various graduate school 项目. There are professional schools in education, business, engineering, law, medicine, and nursing. There are the graduate schools in the arts and sciences. There are the graduate schools in public affairs, fine arts, health, library and information studies. Learn about the various 奖学金 to pay for graduate school.

  • 10. 继续参加课外活动

    You should continue to participate in appropriate outside of class experiences, 包括实习, 研究, 志愿者工作, and leadership positions and involvement in student and community organizations. Try to relate your academic coursework and your nonacademic experiences to your post-graduation plans. Identify individuals who can write letters of recommendation for graduate school or jobs. Think about joining professional associations or organizations related to your field of interest and attending their meetings.