
匹策学院有三个学生宿舍. 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台,阿瑟顿,桑伯恩 & Skandera (PASS) Halls are home for the first-year student population. Pitzer’s transfer and New Resources students live in West and East Hall and Mead Hall. PAS/S Hall and West and East Hall rooms are air conditioned, double occupancy rooms with two rooms sharing an adjoining vanity, 浴室, 和淋浴. Mead Hall are suites that include single and double occupancy rooms with 浴室s that are shared with four students, 还有一间8名学生共用的公共休息室.


  • 每个双人间有两张床, 2张桌子, 2把桌椅, 2梳妆台, 2壁橱, 2 Internet接口, 无线网络, 回收及垃圾桶. Please note all beds in PAS Hall, WES, Mead and CCA are twin XL long (36 inches x 80 inches). 然而, 因为米德的单间太大了, some single rooms in Mead have standard twin size mattresses.
  • The bookshelves on top of the desks in WES/PAS can be moved off the desk, 但你得待在房间里.
  • Students should bring their own sheets, towels, blankets, comforters, 等.
  • Each residence hall is equipped with laundry machines which accept Claremont Cash or quarters. 洗衣服要1美元.00美元,烘干费用为0美元.75. Students are expected to clean their own rooms and 浴室s.
  • We encourage roommates and suitemates to communicate about purchasing cleaning supplies and setting up a cleaning schedule.  The College cleans every 浴室 on campus during winter break.
  • Students cannot keep their bikes in their rooms during the academic year, except during breaks.  We encourage all students to bring their bikes into their rooms during breaks to reduce the risk of theft when the campus is emptier than usual.
  • Students can have potted plants in their rooms or next to their doors (in PAS and WE Hall) as long as the plants do not obstruct the walkway.
  • Students can bring a mini fridge and/or microwave with them.
  • Bed lofting information – Due to the limited number of lofting kits available, 招标请求将被取消 根据建筑物的可用性授予. Instructions will be sent to students in early August regarding requesting bed lofting equipment.
  • Students who bunk or loft their beds are encourage to purchase and bring their own bed rails, 或者床上安全装置.
  • The telephone lines in the residence hall rooms are 不 activated unless a student requests it.
  • 所有宿舍都有空调.


If you’re interested in shipping items to our Pitzer Mail Center prior to your arrival on-campus, 请遵循以下说明:

  • Items shipped for New Students will 不 be accepted prior to one week before move-in.  (例如, 我们是星期六搬进来的, 8月22日, the earliest date packages for New Students will be accepted is Saturday, 8月15日.)
  • 新生应邮寄物品至:


1050 N. 米尔斯大街.Pitzer学院,


  • The Mail Center will be open on move-in day for certain hours so New Students can get their packages.


Although we wish you could bring everything with you to your new residence hall, it is essential that you limit yourself to necessities. We recommend that all students communicate with their roommates to make sure that items are not duplicated, 比如冰箱, 等.

Here is a list of things we recommend that you pack with you to make your living space as comfortable as possible.

  • 床面积
    • Bed sheets, pillow, pillowcase, blanket, bedspread or comforter
    • 床下储物
  • 房间物品
    • 2个盘子,2个碗,2个杯子和器皿
    • 可重复使用的水瓶
    • 微波 & mini fridge (communicate with your roommate about this)
    • 装饰一下,让这里有家的感觉
  • 书桌面积
    • 台灯
    • 手电筒和电池
    • 浪涌保护器电源插板
  • 衣橱
    • 衣架
    • 洗衣篮
    • 洗衣用品(环保推荐)
  • 浴室
    • Towels, washcloths, toiletries, shower sandals, vanity/shower (3) and toilet (1) rugs
    • 香皂
    • 清洁用品(环保推荐)
    • 扫帚和簸箕
    • Small vacuum (住宿生活事务处 offers larger vacuums for sign out)
  • Bike, bike lock, helmet, skateboard/scooter, lock for skateboard/scooter racks

It can be tempting to pack everything you have and bring it to campus. We recommend our students think about what they would really need. 当被问及 to bring to the residence halls, most students say:

  • 轻装! Don’t bring too many clothes, shoes, or too many personal items! Think about what you really need versus what you want. You can also purchase items from near by stores once you get here!
  • Check out the re-room sale available move-in weekend for previously owned items.
  • Consider how often you would use a bike before bringing one! 了解Pitzer绿色自行车计划(GBP)! 
  • 大屏幕电视! 没地方放这些了.
  • Take a look at our student code of conduct for prohibited items (ex: candles, 烤面包机, 热板, 药物, 香, 水烟, 吸毒用具, 宠物, 无人驾驶飞机, 烟花, 卤素灯, 燃油灯, 武器, 空调机组, 布基胶带, 指甲, 等……)

室友/ Suitemate对话

这些谈话要点 are to help you shape the conversation with your new roommates and suitemates in advance of the Academic Year. Pitzer Residence Life encourages you to be open and honest when reflecting on this document and with your suitemates.  这样做对你最有利, as you will be creating the most successful living space for everyone. Residence Life staff will also help facilitate Roommate, Suitemate, and Community Agreements once you get to campus where these conversations will continue.  


学生将在夏季收到一份表格, 在房屋分配被释放后, 可以选择要求一个高架床. Bed lofting is primarily used in WES/PAS to free up floor space for additional furniture. 米德大厅的双人间的床也可以抬高. CCA不提供抽签.

标准的高度: All beds will be at a standard height upon move-in. 这通常意味着大约有35个.5″的床下空间用于存储.



击向空中的高度: Loft kits are available for main campus residents on a first-come first-serve basis. Lofting is typi呼叫y done in early August before move-in days. 床位可能无法及时为提前到达的人搭建起来.

Bunked Beds: Bunking both double beds is available throughout main campus housing at the Lofted Height (see below).
